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Our Schools

Yorkshire Endeavour Academy Trust is a unique and exciting partnership that was formed in 2018 by five primary schools that have a long and successful track record of collaborative working. Each with significant expertise in supporting schools.

Our Schools

Yorkshire Endeavour Academy Trust is a unique and exciting partnership that was formed in 2018 by five primary schools that have a long and successful track record of collaborative working. Each with significant expertise in supporting schools.

About our school

Lealholm (2)Outdoor Education (Including Forest Schools)

We believe that all children should have regular opportunities to engage in outdoor learning.

Our forest school provision provides opportunities for children to develop a wide range of skills, as shown in the document below.

We are fortunate to have extensive grounds, hiding behind our school building, which include tiered gardens with a pond, greenhouse, forest school area, quiet zone and adventure playground. Within these areas, our pupils have frequent opportunities to observe wildlife (we have an owl box and bird houses), learn across different curriculum areas and much more besides!

Our vision is for outdoor education to be firmly embedded in the daily life of Castleton school and, as you will see from the photographs here and on our Facebook page, we are well on the way to achieving this aim!

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